Friday 20 March 2015

What is globalization and how has it affected my life?

             ‘’Globalization’’  is a term, describing the increased movement of goods, knowledge and ideas across national borders. This has caused a fundamental change in world’s policies, economy, culture and social life. Globalization is also considered as ‘’modernization’’. ΠΆhis flow of ideas and knowledge is unstoppable and by looking around- I can see globalization everywhere.  It has become an indispensable part of our daily lives.
                In terms of technology, globalization has affected most of the world. A universal example for it is simply the most widespread thing – Internet. Nowadays, it is just impossible for us to imagine a life without it and, thanks to it, globalization has an easier way for spreading more and more. Our daily communication with people from every corner of the planet, the access to different types of information and ideas, and even the access to pleasurable components like music, movies, books, etc. – they are all due to the globalization.
               Globalization gives us the opportunity to interact with various cultures and this is how our own culture is enriched. Food is a simple example for cultural globalization. Nowadays, you are able to eat Sushi in a Bulgarian restaurant or if you are more into Italian cuisine – you can find pasta or pizza in almost every eatery. And how about Chinese food? … Thanks to globalization, we can afford a diverse selection of options.
              Another factor affected by the globalization is even our health. The development of it can improve access to the medicines, medical information, and training that can help, treat or cure various diseases. But it also has a negative side - with globalization, harmful products can bring disastrous implications worldwide.

             So, globalization has both – positive and negative side. We’re not able to stop its flow but we can simply learn how to make an advantage of its best by carefully analyzing its impacts. 

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Barbados Wildlife Reserve

The Barbados Wildlife Reserve is located in a natural mahogany wood across the road from the Farley Hill National Park in the northern parish of St. Peter.
Here you have a unique opportunity to stroll freely through the Reserve watching the animals at close range and in their own natural environment. There are few cages and the animals can be observed as they eat, play and interact with the other animals

  • What types of animals will you spot here?

1. The Barbados Green Monkeys are common and are especially popular at the afternoon feeding time. Note that the monkeys are free to leave the reserve and often do so during the day.

2. Birds vary from colourful parrots, flamingoes and peacocks to brown pelicans and sparrows. The walk-through aviary is a special treat!             

3. Reptile lovers will appreciate the collection of snakes (these are in cages!), iguanas, turtles and tortoises.

4. Non-native animals include the Brocket Deer, agouti, caiman (looks like an alligator) and armadillo.

Why do I want to visit this wildlife reserve?

Well, pretty much because I really love animals of any kind (except snakes [EW.]) and seeing them in their natural habitat really brings me pleasure. I appreciate the fact that there are people , who are willing to help the animals and  do their best for providing good conditions for a wildlife. Also, I love travelling and this would be a great opportunity for a new journey.