Friday 7 November 2014


Task - finish the story

  (...) It was his favourite teacher - Miss Chun. He looked at her with a big surprise.
        "How is this possible?!'' Martin tought. "She died a long time ago! ... ''
   But now she was standing right there - in front of him. As he was staring at her, a part of her face broke and fell on the floor. It was her nose. Martin was frightened.
        "Excuse me for that!'' Miss Chun said. '' I am still getting used to losing parts of my body.'' She picked up her nose and added:  " Being a zombie is not easy, Martin."
         The boy was terrified, but his curiousity prevailed and he started a conversation.
        ''But... It cannot be real! Mum told me that people, who are dead, do not do anything!''
        ''Lies.'' denied the teacher. '' Can you imagine sitting under the ground without doing anything? That would be completely boring! "
        "But zombies exist only in movies!" The boy continued "They are not supposed to be real." he shook his head.
         Miss Chun giggled " Martin... you don't live in a movie, but i am here in front of you... So tell me, do I exist?''  She sat on his bed.
         Martin didn't say anything. He felt both excited and scared. A real zombie was standing there. He had a lot of questions to ask but he couldn't make up his mind.
        "But how did you escape from the grave?" He said finally after a few minutes of silence.
        "Oh, thanks to your dog. He dug some small holes in the ground which helped me a lot!" Dog barked happily.
        "Oh, Dog..... Why have you done that?! Now there is a real zombie in our town's streets...'' The boy said. For the first time ever he seemed dissapointed because of his best friend Dog.
         Miss Chun frowned "Don't be so rude, Martin. I have my reasons to be here! "
        ''Reasons? What reasons? Share them with me.'' the boy replied.
        ''I am just hungry." the zombie said and looked right into his eyes. She could see the fear inside them and she enjoyed it.
        And then suddenly two smelly hands grabbed Martin. The boy tried to escape, but he couldn't. It was too late for this. He was screaming, but there was no one to hear him, except Dog. But what could a simple dog do?
        A few minutes later there were no more child screams and crying. The zombie left the house quietly and returned to its grave. But Martin's body was still standing in his bed... Dead.
        At least Miss Chun was not hungry anymore... :) 

Monday 3 November 2014

Hey there, Mr. Philpot. Welcome to my totally weird and random blog ~

        So, after it took me about 29384738 hours to make its appearance... My blog is finally ready.
And to be honest - I have no idea what to write about in my first post. ._.
        Thank you for giving us this kind of homework tho'. I find it quite interesting and i guess that the others like it too. ^-^
       And since we are talking about that, here are two main things you have to know ( I think they are related to most of the students, including me) :

  •  You can give me 67 years to do my homework and I wouldn't do it until the night before. ( But I'll do it, I promise. :D )
  •   Instead of doing homework, I like to stay on my phone and worry about how much homework I have to do. 

      Annnndd... that's all I have to write about the homework. xD



        As I can remember, you told us that we should write about ourselves. So, in the next few paragraphs, I will tell you something about me.
        My name is Iva, as you already know. I live in Sozopol. This is a town near Burgas, so I am travelling to school every day and to be honest - it is quite exhausting. Especially when I have to wake up at 5 am. However, that's my оbligation, so I'm used to it.

        Okay, so here is a list of a few things I love: 

  •         First of all - Music. This is my passion. It is something that can help me feel better and express myself. And yes - I love my music taste and I don't expect from other people to like it, too. Different people - different tastes. But listening to it is not the only way to show my love to music - I actually sing and dance. I love doing it ! 
  •         Drawing - I want to improve myself at it, especially at drawing manga. And, in case you don't know what manga is  ---- > By the way, here is a photo of my last ''masterpiece''. :D 
  •         Anime - Okay. I really adore watching anime. I will never be too old for it, i swear. :D My favourite one is called Fairy Tail and I recommend it to all anime lovers. BLESS HIRO MASHIMA!! (its creator) :D ♥
  •         League of Legend - no words to say here. I just can't live without this game. :D ETERNAL LOVE. ♥
  •         Travelling - I've been to a lot of places, but there are still more and more to visit. One of my biggest dreams is to go to Japan. But it is so far away, so I'll probably have to wait a few more years for it to happen. xD
  •         Books and movies - Everybody loves these things, don't they? I mean... I can't imagine a life without watching movies or reading books. O.O That would be so boring. No, thanks. 

        Anyway, I will stop here, because i thinк the post is getting extremly long. :D 


Well, i hope you like my first homework here. Maybe I will make some changes in the future... See ya! ^^ xD